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You Make a Difference!

Sunday, 1 November  2009


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Get Wealthy


Anything and Everything


How to Sell

Anything and Everything




Alonza C. Brown




 * * * * * * *


Chapter 1





You Sell


All the Time





Become Financially Independent through Sales






 * * * * * * *


Chapter 1


You Sell All the Time




Desire as the

Mother of Motivation


Many summers ago when I was younger, before marriage, I was visiting my wife’s hometown of Wilson, North Carolina.  I had been driving all day when we arrived. You know I was tired. Mrs. Ruffin, my wife’s mother, 80 years of age at the time, came to me. 

“Brown, take me to Wilson.  I have 48 dozen eggs to take up there and some collard greens.” 

Mrs. Ruffin was selling right then and I didn’t know it. She knew that I would do just about anything to spend time with her daughter, so all she had to do was ask. She knew I was motivated by my desire to please her and her daughter. She knew that all she had to do was ask and I would come “a running”.

In sales you always focus on benefits. Her benefit was getting those eggs and collard greens to Wilson. My benefits, and there were at least two, were getting to spend time with my future wife and being given an opportunity to impress her mother and whoever else was nearby.  Now my wife knew I was a “catch” but I didn’t know it at the time and I believed that I had to prove myself to her. In relationships as well as in life’s situations and circumstances, there is always a “silver lining”.  In this book that “silver lining” is called a benefit.  In your life experience, that silver lining generally looks like a negative circumstance, but it is only a silver lining in disguise. One only has to stay positive and look for the positive in each and every situation to see that silver lining.

The way Mrs. Ruffin said it, I was under the impression that these eggs were already sold and we were only making a delivery.  I thought it was just a matter of taking Mrs. Ruffin to Wilson and unloading those eggs and collard greens; then turn around and head back. That is what I thought. Wrong. Mrs. Ruffin was selling.

When we arrived in Wilson, in this one-horse town, Gladys and I sat in the car talking. I noticed Mrs. Ruffin going door-to-door.  I realized she was carrying dozens of eggs along with those collard greens trying to sell them one door, then the next; then another door and another. 

Wait a minute!  I thought. I had to do something.  Tired and sleepy having driven all day, this is what I did because I had never sold eggs before.



Fear as the

Father of  Motivation


If desire is the mother of motivation, then fear is the father of motivation. Remember with Mrs. Ruffin I thought I was just being the driver. She had other ideas. When I saw Mrs. Ruffin waddling slowly up those steps to those houses—one by one, house by house—I knew that I would be there all day, or what was left of the day if I didn’t do something drastically. I was motivated by these three words, “fresh country eggs.” 

Know this; I was prepared for this situation without knowing it. Preparation is key to what you are doing or what you are planning to do.  Sam Brown prepared me for this situation when I walked with him in downtown Roanoke Rapids on the weekends and in its neighborhoods selling fruit, vegetables, and anything he could get out of those 98 acres of land he owned.

Now,  hear these words – “fresh country eggs.”  I knew how to fill in the blanks.  I reached in the automobile.  I got a couple of baskets of eggs and I put them under my arm, along with some collard greens. I proceeded down the street yelling loudly.

“Fresh country eggs, fresh country eggs. Come get your fresh country eggs.” 

If I can do it this way, you can too. I went as far as to spray water on those collard greens before I placed them under my arm, so they would look as fresh as possible.


Children playing football in the street, stopped their game, ran into their homes to bring their mothers out to buy those eggs. Why did they stop playing football and go get their mothers? I asked them to do it. Be motivated and do things which you up until now were afraid to do. Open your mouth and try something differently.

Fear motivated me to get into action. I was afraid that if I waited on Mrs. Ruffin to deliver those eggs then I would have spent the rest of the day which I was planning to spend with Gladys only, with Gladys and her mother “methodically-moving” selling eggs and collard greens.

Mothers came from all directions; some had money and some did not. Do not turn anyone away when you are selling. You want to create crowds, because crowds do create sales. You want to draw as many people to your product as possible; this increases your sales potential.

When the mothers came out of those houses, I simply asked them, “Two dozen or three?” The beauty of the whole thing is that they came out.  Don’t ever forget this – excitement and crowds do create sales.  My voice was excited when I yelled “fresh country eggs.” I was truly excited because I realized the faster I could move those eggs and greens, the faster I could spend some alone time with Gladys.


                There was a man crossing the intersection on a bicycle.  He heard me yelling, “fresh country eggs”.  He made a u-turn, came back, and bought a dozen eggs.  There was also a man at the top of a 50-foot power pole.  He stopped his repair work, climbed down and bought two dozen eggs. 

                That’s not the end of the story.  The end of this story goes like this.  There was also a man directly across the street in front of where I was selling all these eggs. He too was selling eggs.  He came over very quickly.            

                “How much are you getting for your eggs?”  He asked.

                And you know what he discovered?  He discovered that my eggs were higher than his eggs and he was not getting any results.  And I still believe today, if I had just asked him to buy some of my eggs, he would have bought some of my eggs although he was selling eggs also.  We had people coming up to us to purchase eggs like they were going to church. To say the least, Mrs. Ruffin was more than pleased with me. She talked about that story for years.


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Dr. AC Brown & Mrs. Gladys Brown

Three-Time Millionaire  --  “Doing It God’s Way”

Let Me Show You How

P.A.U.S.E.: Practical Application and Use of Scriptures Everyday  -- “Doing It God’s Way”

Atlanta, Georgia 30386


(404) 498-7927 (after nine)


Bro. James Anthony Allen

Evangelist, eBlessings’ Director, Born-Again, Holy Spirit-filled, US Patriot



Black Planet:; SelfGrowth: eBlessings

Skype: eBlessings; MySpace:



Each One! Bless One!


Today's eBlessing for You!

O Lord, convert my disgrace to grace, in the name of Jesus. O God, convert my disappointment to divine appointment, in the name of Jesus. God, convert my weakness to strength, in the name of Jesus. O God, convert my mess to divine message, in the name of Jesus. O God, convert my frustration to fulfillment, in the name of Jesus. O God, convert my ashes to beauty, in the name of Jesus. My father, convert my pain to pleasure, in the name of Jesus. My father, convert my lamentation to laughter, in the name of Jesus. O God, convert my night to day, in the name of Jesus. O God, arise and convert my problems to promotion, in the name of Jesus. Every checkpoint of darkness, break, in the name of Jesus. Every masquerade pursuing me from my father’s side, what are you waiting for? Die, in Jesus’ name. Every masquerade pursing me from my mother’s side, what are you waiting for? Die, in Jesus’ name. Inherited failure, die, in the name of Jesus. (Lay your hands on your chest and pray:)  Where no member of the family has reached,  O Lord, take me there by fire, in the name of Jesus. O caldron of darkness hanging in the heavenlies, break, in the name of Jesus. My trouble, you are in trouble by fire, in the name of Jesus.  Selah and Amen.


 You Make a Difference!




Visit the GM, IDD, DOT, and WOW  Empowerment Series, plus Prophecy,

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May the Blessing of the LORD and Favor Continue in Your Life in Your Service to GOD.

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Monday, 2 November 2009


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  "Words of Wisdom" and "Dwell on This" Sections are being transferred to easy to use PDF's and DOC's.




We cannot live in the present and plan for the future if we are always in our pasts.





It is not enough to know someone is wrong. Correction starts with the Fear of the LORD, then comes conversation.




Show You Care






Forgiveness starts with one.

Forgive oneself; then it becomes easier to forgive others.




Tough Talk Time

Time to Talk Tough




Everything you see, say, or do

tells others about you.





God is First.

Spirit is first. God is Alpha.

God comes first.




 On the Road of Life, Look forward to New Road Signs, not Back to Old Ones



Spiritual Key


Stop Waiting on the LORD and Take a Moment to Realize He is with You



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Bro. James Anthony Allen

Evangelist, eBlessings’ Director, Born-Again, Holy Spirit-filled, US Patriot



Black Planet:; SelfGrowth: eBlessings

Skype: eBlessings; MySpace:



Each One! Bless One!


Today's eBlessing for You!

The Blood of Jesus be upon you and your ministries and all of those involved and wrap you in His Blood to keep you from evil and to keep evil from you and your families, your ministries and from the Purposes and Goals of Father God and His Beloved Jesus Christ now and always now in the name of Jesus Christ: Emmanuel, Hosanna. Selah and Amen.


 You Make a Difference!




Visit the GM, IDD, DOT, and WOW  Empowerment Series, plus Prophecy,

Spiritual Keys & Lessons, IA, PP and Ministries...


May the Blessing of the LORD and Favor Continue in Your Life in Your Service to GOD.

Copyright © 2009  *  eBlessings  *  All rights reserved


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Tuesday, 3 November 2009


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Pencils… all pencils. Beautiful... There is art in everything... You just have to have the eye for it...



Don't use time carelessly — it can never be retrieved! Life is precious!!

Try not to waste neither your time nor your resources.


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See "K" under Oddities

thanks Lana



Each One! Bless One!


Today's eBlessing for You!

The Blood of Jesus be upon you and your ministries and all of those involved and wrap you in His Blood to keep you from evil and to keep evil from you and your families, your ministries and from the Purposes and Goals of Father God and His Beloved Jesus Christ now and always now in the name of Jesus Christ: Emmanuel, Hosanna. Selah and Amen.


 You Make a Difference!




Visit the GM, IDD, DOT, and WOW  Empowerment Series, plus Prophecy,

Spiritual Keys & Lessons, IA, PP and Ministries...


May the Blessing of the LORD and Favor Continue in Your Life in Your Service to GOD.

Copyright © 2009  *  eBlessings  *  All rights reserved


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Wednesday, 4 November 2009


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(A Work in Progress—Part Two)

Get Wealthy


Anything and Everything



How to Sell

Anything and Everything




Alonza C. Brown



 * * * * * * *



Chapter 1




You Sell

All the Time




Become Financially Independent through Sales




 * * * * * * *



Chapter 1


You Sell All the Time



How I Learned to

Sell Anything (and Everything)

For 48 years I’ve heard people make statements like this. “If I had the proper education…” Or “If I was not born with the color of this skin, I could succeed in life.” “If I were only thinner… smarter… or prettier.” In this book I will teach you how I was able to learn to sell anything.  Early in my life I learned to listen and observe those around me to development an acumen of sales success.  These sales techniques will help you with your sales objectives, goals and sales volumes.  I have done it this way for over forty-eight (48) years.  If I can do it this way, you can too.


My success started my senior year in high school.  In high school I was labeled just a good old school bus driver.  The principal of the high school was excited about having a speaking contest before you could graduate.  He brought the teachers from the Caucasian school to judge this contest. This was unusual.

I never had an opportunity to practice with my classmates before the speaking contest, because I drove a school bus during that class period.  On the day of the contest, the judge stood and said, “Ladies and gentlemen, we have heard some good speakers today, but we have unanimously agreed that our first place speaker is Alonza C. Brown.”


Winning that speaking contest changed my life completely. It increased my self-confidence. It boosted my ego and gave me incentive to seek success through goal setting. Remember this always, in high school I was labeled “just a good old school bus driver.”  But before I left that stage that day as the good old school bus driver that I was, I made up my mind that very day that everything I would touch in life from this point forward would turn to gold.

Remember what I said – I was in high school driving a school bus. I did this to make extra money.  If I can do it this way, you can too. And it is not too late to make that decision to start—to start selling. Make a decision to make a change in your life through sales and through increasing your current sales and magnifying your sales potential.  Why did I make this decision to go into sales instead of sticking to my nine-to-five job?  How could I make this decision?


I realized that everyone and their brother were selling something the moment they opened their mouths. I decided I was going to use the same techniques I used to win that speaking contest—aggressiveness towards my goals and believing in myself when others did not.  You can do it the way I did it and be on your way to being a highly successful sales person. Before you realize it you will be on your way to being a sales person who can earn hundreds of thousands of dollars. Receive the real success that you are looking for—you can find it in sales.


The question is: How did I win that speaking contest?  My sister-in-law Ruth Brown, a real-life Saint, taught me at home at night by the mirror. 

“Alonza,” Ruth Brown my sister-in-law said to me in one of her training sessions, “if you want to win that speaking contest, you need to observe your father Sam Brown.”

Here is where I became acutely aware of practicing speeches. I would realize after my speech how positive the effects of a successful speech could be.


I would write out my presentation. I would read it over and over again until I became familiar with it. You have to learn it. No one knows that your sales speech is memorized. You cannot adlib the sales presentation, because it will not work. It has to be practiced until it becomes a part of you. Not that part of you that goes to church on Sunday, but that part of you that is with you all day long; seven days a week, twenty-four hours a day.


People are doing the same old things the same old ways. Writing it down, listening to the CD once, putting it down, going home, getting out of the car and continuing to do it the same old way. Aren’t you tired of this program? If you are not getting the results you want, you must do it a different way. Do something with your life differently. Do not leave your husband. Do not leave your wife. But leave that non-successful place where you are and pick up selling. It will be the best financial decision you will have made in your life.


I became serious about practicing speeches with their specific effects in my mind, i.e., I practiced speaking with results in mind.  I learned later in life that a sales presentation is only a speech and a good sales presentation could feed my family.  I further understood that if I could eat off a “good” sales presentation, that if I had a “great” sales presentation, not only could I feed my family, but my extended family members as well.


What is going on all over this land is this. People are sitting in board meetings—bored to death. People are sitting in sales meetings—not learning much if anything. People are riding public transportation—not going anywhere fast. People are driving their clunkers—hopeful that the next raise will afford them better transportation. People are sitting in churches receiving new sermons, new messages—but going back home to the same old mess.  Motivational speakers are bringing new ideas to their audiences which do not increase their wealth, only the wealth of the lecturer.

The problem is—most people are sitting there, listening, riding, driving, but still living life the same old way when they go home.  They go home to that same old rut that is waiting for them. Selling gives everyone an opportunity to help another person by supplying their lives with the benefits of the product or service which they are selling.

Why live life the same old way, at the same old time? Enjoy the many benefits of selling. Selling is for everyone, many do not realize this—everyone sells something when they open their mouths.  Do not allow poor habits, bad habits, old habits and other folks habits stop you from benefiting from the success which is yours if you only go out there and work for it. Think of it this way. Your fortune lies in the pockets of another person—go out there and work for what is yours.


Use this book to learn to make a decision which will change your life and the lives of your families by beginning to live life using the sales techniques and approaches found in this book. This will guarantee your success—and get you out of that personal rut, that economic rut, or that employment rut.  Apply these sales approaches, closes and sales techniques to improve your daily living with focused personal and business goals.


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DOC Copy for Friends and Family (print two pages per sheet)


Dr. AC Brown & Mrs. Gladys Brown

Three-Time Millionaire  --  “Doing It God’s Way”

Let Me Show You How

P.A.U.S.E.: Practical Application and Use of Scriptures Everyday  -- “Doing It God’s Way”

Atlanta, Georgia 30386


(404) 498-7927 (after nine); (404) 731-1305 (anytime)



Bro. James Anthony Allen

Evangelist, eBlessings’ Director, Born-Again, Holy Spirit-filled, US Patriot



Black Planet:; SelfGrowth: eBlessings

Skype: eBlessings; MySpace:




Each One! Bless One!


Today's eBlessing for You!

The Blood of Jesus be upon you and your ministries and all of those involved and wrap you in His Blood to keep you from evil and to keep evil from you and your families, your ministries and from the Purposes and Goals of Father God and His Beloved Jesus Christ now and always now in the name of Jesus Christ: Emmanuel, Hosanna. Selah and Amen.


 You Make a Difference!




Visit the GM, IDD, DOT, and WOW  Empowerment Series, plus Prophecy,

Spiritual Keys & Lessons, IA, PP and Ministries...


May the Blessing of the LORD and Favor Continue in Your Life in Your Service to GOD.

Copyright © 2009  *  eBlessings  *  All rights reserved


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Thursday, 5 November 2009


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  "Words of Wisdom" and "Dwell on This" Sections are being transferred to easy to use PDF's and DOC's.



Everyday we receive blessings

that we have not earned.



Spiritual Key


Place God at the beginning

of thought and end of thought.



We must remove from our lives that which has the potential to hinder or demise

God's Glory in us.



Do not accept

unholy things as Holy.



Speak up and speak out.

Stop holding it in--

That hurts you and those you love.




There is power in blind faith and obedience to Christ.



People are more important than things.





in disappointment

is a must.




Create positive memories in youth which can be cherished in twilight.


Spiritual Key


As long as we view money as a blessing from the LORD, we will always be deceived by the enemies of man.




Do not view rich people as beneficiaries of the Blessing of the Lord.



You will never know, if you do not test God.  See if His Word is true.

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Bro. James Anthony Allen

Evangelist, eBlessings’ Director, Born-Again, Holy Spirit-filled, US Patriot



Black Planet:; SelfGrowth: eBlessings

Skype: eBlessings; MySpace:



Each One! Bless One!


Today's eBlessing for You!

O Lord, convert my disgrace to grace, in the name of Jesus. O God, convert my disappointment to divine appointment, in the name of Jesus. God, convert my weakness to strength, in the name of Jesus. O God, convert my mess to divine message, in the name of Jesus. O God, convert my frustration to fulfillment, in the name of Jesus. O God, convert my ashes to beauty, in the name of Jesus. My father, convert my pain to pleasure, in the name of Jesus. My father, convert my lamentation to laughter, in the name of Jesus. O God, convert my night to day, in the name of Jesus. O God, arise and convert my problems to promotion, in the name of Jesus. Every checkpoint of darkness, break, in the name of Jesus. Every masquerade pursuing me from my father’s side, what are you waiting for? Die, in Jesus’ name. Every masquerade pursing me from my mother’s side, what are you waiting for? Die, in Jesus’ name. Inherited failure, die, in the name of Jesus. (Lay your hands on your chest and pray:)  Where no member of the family has reached,  O Lord, take me there by fire, in the name of Jesus. O caldron of darkness hanging in the heavenlies, break, in the name of Jesus. My trouble, you are in trouble by fire, in the name of Jesus.  Selah and Amen.


 You Make a Difference!




Visit the GM, IDD, DOT, and WOW  Empowerment Series, plus Prophecy,

Spiritual Keys & Lessons, IA, PP and Ministries...


May the Blessing of the LORD and Favor Continue in Your Life in Your Service to GOD.

Copyright © 2009  *  eBlessings  *  All rights reserved


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Friday, 6 November 2009


DOC copy for five friends

PDF copy for five friends




(Only available currently as a booklet. Soon to be a perfect bound book and audio book;

pages 21-23; formatting changes due to Internet)

by James Anthony Allen and son, Marcus Anthony Allen






Talk to God.  My nephew, Alex, once said a lady asked him if he was saved.

     He said, “No.” 

     She asked him, “Do you want to be saved?” 

     He answered, “Yes.”  He said that he would give it a try.  He recited the sinner’s prayer with her.  “Lord, I am a sinner.  Please forgive me for my sins.  I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that He died for my sins.  I am now a new person in Christ! Amen!” 

     She told him that he was saved and he said, “Okay.”


Now that was the end of that.


He said he didn’t feel anything and that was that.  He has been seeking the truth every since.  He expected something to happen and in his eyes nothing did.


He said that he is a seeker of the truth. He was told that God is the Truth and nothing but the Truth.  He was asked if he wanted to get to know God -- if he wanted to have God in his life.  He was also asked if he wanted to know more truth. Alex told me that he wanted to expand his consciousness.





In an effort to expand our consciousness, we have to expand our spiritual consciousness.  We have to expand our spirit.  We have to allow our spirit soul to grow. Imagine a ladder with a number of rungs.  We are on the bottom rung.  We want to move up the rungs to get to the top of the ladder.


This is our spiritual ladder; the ladder of our spiritual growth. Putting our foot on the first rung requires our belief in God, in a higher power than ourselves.  In order to get our feet on the second rung, we have to desire to develop a relationship with Jesus.  The third rung requires us to speak to God.



Speak to Jesus Out Loud. We should speak to God out loud. Not in a loud voice, but like you are talking to your friend standing next to you. Why speak out loud in a conversational voice?  You don’t whisper or think conversationally to your friends, do you?  When Moses was with God, he spoke to Him.


“And Moses returned

the words of the people unto the LORD.”

Exodus 19:8b (KJV)


“And the LORD said unto Moses, I will do this thing also that thou hast spoken: for thou hast found grace in my sight, and I know thee by name.”

Exodus 33:17 (KJV)


When Enoch walked with God for 300 years, do you think he spoke conversationally to God or just used thought?


“And Enoch walked with God after he begat Methuselah three hundred years,

and begat sons and daughters:”

Genesis 5:22 (KJV)





The Bible offers few explanations of mysteries which would direct one to do this and that, but will give you innumerable examples of this or that being done and the impact of it being or not being done. I call this concept “MODELS.”


“And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.”

Genesis 1:3 (KJV)


Like God, when we speak a thing, we emanate a thing—a lifestyle, pain or sorrows, life or death, negative or positive. What flows from our mouths returns back to us.


“I humbled my soul with fasting; and my prayer returned into mine own bosom.”

Psalms 35:13b (KJV)


Speaking out loud can be done in your bedroom.  It can be in the car on the way to work.  It can be on the bus.  It can be anywhere, but it should be a verbal expression, that you can hear with your ears.  Because we speak to Him, He will speak back to you.  Don’t be scared! You not crazy!  He loves you!


“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you.”

Psalm 32:8 (KJV)


In speaking to God, speak to Him as if you were speaking to your brother, your sister, your father or mother, or even your best friend.


If you are angry with Him, let Him know.  If you are frustrated with Him, let Him know.  If you need Him to do something in your life, just let Him know.  But speak to Him; out loud.  Try it!  Try it now! It works!


It will make God smile that you are finally talking to Him like He is really there with you!  Hallelujah!






(Only available currently as a booklet. Soon to be a perfect bound book and audio book.)

DOC copy for five friends

PDF copy for five friends


Marcus Anthony Allen
Called Saint of God
Baltimore, Maryland, USA, North America
Telephone: 443-418-9852


James Anthony Allen, a Disciple of Jesus

Evangelist, eBlessings Founder

Born-Again, Holy Spirit-filled, US Patriot

Stone Mountain, Georgia, USA, North America


(404) 731-1305


Each One! Bless One!


Today's eBlessing for You!

O Lord, convert my disgrace to grace, in the name of Jesus. O God, convert my disappointment to divine appointment, in the name of Jesus. God, convert my weakness to strength, in the name of Jesus. O God, convert my mess to divine message, in the name of Jesus. O God, convert my frustration to fulfillment, in the name of Jesus. O God, convert my ashes to beauty, in the name of Jesus. My father, convert my pain to pleasure, in the name of Jesus. My father, convert my lamentation to laughter, in the name of Jesus. O God, convert my night to day, in the name of Jesus. O God, arise and convert my problems to promotion, in the name of Jesus. Every checkpoint of darkness, break, in the name of Jesus. Every masquerade pursuing me from my father’s side, what are you waiting for? Die, in Jesus’ name. Every masquerade pursing me from my mother’s side, what are you waiting for? Die, in Jesus’ name. Inherited failure, die, in the name of Jesus. (Lay your hands on your chest and pray:)  Where no member of the family has reached,  O Lord, take me there by fire, in the name of Jesus. O caldron of darkness hanging in the heavenlies, break, in the name of Jesus. My trouble, you are in trouble by fire, in the name of Jesus.  Selah and Amen.


 You Make a Difference!




Visit the GM, IDD, DOT, and WOW  Empowerment Series, plus Prophecy,

Spiritual Keys & Lessons, IA, PP and Ministries...


May the Blessing of the LORD and Favor Continue in Your Life in Your Service to GOD.

Copyright © 2009  *  eBlessings  *  All rights reserved


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Saturday, 7 November 2009


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Chapter 1





Dr. AC Brown



Using the P.A.U.S.E. ®


Wealth Building System



Doing It God’s Way®


*  *  *  *  *


Mr. Sam Brown

(Meditate on the Lord)

(Psalm 1:2)


I want you to understand that Father God changed my gears that morning through Ruth Brown.  When that gear shifts -- we begin to go in another direction.  I’m here to testify to you that when that gear shifts, God is changing the direction that He wants you to travel.  Listen at what Ruth Brown said to me. 

“Alonza, if you want to win that speaking contest, you need to consult with your daddy Sam Brown.” 

That was all she said, but that was a mouthful.

I have practiced for 48 years, disciplining myself to keep my mind on God at all times.  When that gear in life shifts, I know exactly what to do.  And He tells us so clearly in the Bible, If you fear Me, I’ll give you riches and honor and life.


“The secret of the LORD is with them that fear him; and he will shew them his covenant.” Psalm 25:14 (KJV)


“O fear the LORD, ye his saints: for there is no want to them that fear him.” Psalm 34:9 (KJV)


“He will bless them that fear the LORD, both small and great.” Psalm 115:13 (KJV)


“By humility and the fear of the LORD are riches, and honour, and life.” Proverbs 22:4 (KJV)


But if we don’t keep our minds on God at all times, we’ll miss that gear shifting every time. I knew from the moment Ruth Brown told me to observe my daddy Sam Brown that those gears were shifting. I heard that gear shifting and I made a decision to step on life’s accelerator.

Listen, we must keep our minds on God at all times. We’ll miss that gear shifting almost every time if we don’t. And it’s nothing but a habit—listening for that gear shifting—keeping our minds stayed on Him.  It will be the best habit you’ll ever develop in life.  Keeping our minds on God is the habit we want to develop. Keeping our minds off of ungodly things—that is—focus on the positive and leave the negative wherever it was before it entered your mind.


You’ve got to understand why God wanted me to observe Sam Brown.  Sam Brown sent seven of my sisters and brothers to college. This was during the Depression Years.  He had four girls in college at the same time, and he was only a farmer.  I never heard this farmer say he didn’t have any money.  Sam Brown paid off his 98-acre farm in the 1920’s, when everyone else was losing their farms. And during the Depression, he paid for his children’s college tuitions.

I would see him standing in the fields with five vocational agriculture teachers; both African-American and Caucasian brothers came to seek his advice from all over the entire state of North Carolina about farming, or so I thought. 

One day I asked him, “How can you spend all that time with county agents and vocational agricultural teachers?”  I asked him how could he do it and make money to take care of the farm and the family.

He looked at me real strange, but he had a smile on his face -- a serious smile.  I will never forget it.

He said, “I can’t afford not to help them.” 

I said, “You’re not making a dime out of this.” 

And then he said to me, “The way you get God’s attention in life is to be more concerned about His people than you are about yourself.”  Then Sam Brown said, “That is why I cannot afford not to help them.”


That is why today God is saying to me, “Go feed my chickens.” This is why He said that to me. For four years I had fed chickens and turkeys at the Swift Poultry Farm in Greensboro, North Carolina.  God knew that that farm is where I spent much of my study time when I was attending North Carolina A&T College. Instead of studying for my classes, I was working at the chicken farm so I could pay my way through college. Guess who spent much of her time with me there? My wife Gladys Lee Brown, the lady who I would not have met if I were not obedient to God’s Voice saying to leave that little girl in high school behind.

God is saying to me and to you—what you need in life will come through Me. Bring Me your desires, bring them through Me and I will give you what you need to feed the chickens you got in your house. Maybe you don’t have chickens, maybe you have some cats, dogs, or horses. They need food too.  God will take care of them.


I carried that one concept into several fields over my 48-year track record.  A man with a C and D transcript from college -- didn’t know anything about three different fields, but made millions in each field.  If I can do it this way, you can too!


I would see Sam Brown sit with the Bible in his lap early in the morning.  Everyone at home was sound asleep, except him and me.  He would sit there, the Bible in his lap with tears rolling down his face, but I never did see him turn a page. 

“Why are you crying?”  I asked him. “And furthermore,” I said, “I never see you turn a page.” 

Here again, he looked at me real strange again.  He had a way of doing that. I continued, “The boys talk about reading the Bible, but I never see you reading your Bible. And I never see you turn a page.” 

He said, “I meditate on the Word.  There is a difference.” 

I never forgot what he said; I never forgot it.  And then he explained to me how you meditate on the Word. 


He said, “You take everything out of the Bible.  You make sure every leaf is turned down smooth, so the Hand of God will move that page to where God wants you to meditate.  And then you hold both hands under that Bible, and say, “In the name of Jesus, Father, let your Word open to where You want me to read. Please Father give me my daily Bread.””


*  *  *  *  *


.:P.A.U.S.E:. Applied Scriptures

Chapter 1

  1. A new commandment I give unto you, ye love one another; as I have loved you, ye also love one another.” John 12:34 (John 15:12,17); “By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.” John 13:35

  2. And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.” Matthew 21:22; “For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.” Mark 11:23.

  3. “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6

  4. “And it shall come to pass, if thou shalt hearken diligently unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to observe and to do all his commandments which I command thee this day, that the LORD thy God will set thee on high above all nations of the earth: and all these blessings shall come on thee, and overtake thee, f thou shalt hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God.” Deuteronomy 28:1-2

  5. “And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment.” Mark 12:30

  6. “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6

  7. Blood of Jesus prayer. “And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint;” Luke 18:1;  “Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.” Luke 21:36; “Wherefore also we pray always for you, that our God would count you worthy of this calling, and fulfill all the good pleasure of his goodness, and the work of faith with power:” 2 Thessalonians 1:11

  8. “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” John 15:13

  9. “But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.” Psalm 1:2


(See Matching PAUSE Wealth Building Tips)


*  *  *  *  *


.:PAUSE:. Wealth Building Tips

Week 1 My Daily Affirmation

1.     I will join forces and team up with my brothers and sisters of every nation forming partnerships of success.

2.     I make up my mind that every day everything I touch in life from this point forward will turn to gold.

3.     I do extra things to get ahead; like in high school driving a school bus to make extra money. 

4.     I will make decisions which change my life for the positive.

5.     I will apply scripture to my daily living expecting my goals to be accomplished with divine purposes.

6.     When that gear in life shifts, I will know exactly what to do by being prepared. 

7.     I will keep my mind on God at all times. It will be the best habit I will ever develop in life. 

8.     I will get God’s attention in life by being more concerned about His people than I am about myself.”

9.    I will meditate on the Word.  It will make a difference.

(See Matching PAUSE Applied Scriptures)

 *  *  *  *  *

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 Pre-Order Your Personal Copy of Dr. AC Brown's Book Today

Dr. AC Brown

Three-Time Millionaire  --  “Doing It God’s Way”

Let Him Show You How

P.A.U.S.E.: Practical Application and Use of Scriptures Everyday  -- “Doing It God’s Way”

Atlanta, Georgia 30386


(404) 498-7927 (after nine); (404) 731-1305 (anytime)




Each One! Bless One!


Today's eBlessing for You!

The Blood of Jesus be upon you and your ministries and all of those involved and wrap you in His Blood to keep you from evil and to keep evil from you and your families, your ministries and from the Purposes and Goals of Father God and His Beloved Jesus Christ now and always now in the name of Jesus Christ: Emmanuel, Hosanna. Selah and Amen.


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Sunday, 8 November 2009



Each One! Bless One!


Today's eBlessing for You!

The Blood of Jesus be upon you and your ministries and all of those involved and wrap you in His Blood to keep you from evil and to keep evil from you and your families, your ministries and from the Purposes and Goals of Father God and His Beloved Jesus Christ now and always now in the name of Jesus Christ: Emmanuel, Hosanna. Selah and Amen.


 You Make a Difference!




Visit the GM, IDD, DOT, and WOW  Empowerment Series, plus Prophecy,

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May the Blessing of the LORD and Favor Continue in Your Life in Your Service to GOD.

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Each One! Bless One!


Today's eBlessing for You!

The Blood of Jesus be upon you and your ministries and all of those involved and wrap you in His Blood to keep you from evil and to keep evil from you and your families, your ministries and from the Purposes and Goals of Father God and His Beloved Jesus Christ now and always now in the name of Jesus Christ: Emmanuel, Hosanna. Selah and Amen.


 You Make a Difference!




Visit the GM, IDD, DOT, and WOW  Empowerment Series, plus Prophecy,

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May the Blessing of the LORD and Favor Continue in Your Life in Your Service to GOD.

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Each One! Bless One!


Today's eBlessing for You!

The Blood of Jesus be upon you and your ministries and all of those involved and wrap you in His Blood to keep you from evil and to keep evil from you and your families, your ministries and from the Purposes and Goals of Father God and His Beloved Jesus Christ now and always now in the name of Jesus Christ: Emmanuel, Hosanna. Selah and Amen.


 You Make a Difference!




Visit the GM, IDD, DOT, and WOW  Empowerment Series, plus Prophecy,

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May the Blessing of the LORD and Favor Continue in Your Life in Your Service to GOD.

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by James Anthony Allen and son, Marcus Anthony Allen

(Only available currently as a booklet. Soon to be a perfect bound book and audio book;

pages 24-25; formatting changes due to Internet)








Make a Space for God.  Now that you have spoken to Jesus and poured your heart out to Him, this is what to expect. He is going to speak back to you. Now, you may be one of the few lucky ones to whom the Lord speaks back in their physical ears.  If that’s not you, then He will speak to you, to your spirit soul, from inside of you either in your mind, in your heart or in your spirit.


The Lord will use any of His creations to communicate to you from outside of your spirit soul. And I do mean anything or anybody—just listen for God in your life.  He is speaking.


God speaking: dreams, visions, other people, children, animals, walls, roadblocks, Angels, virtues, discerning, intuition, “Something told me”, “I knew not to or to do a thing”, “I knew better”, “I felt trouble down that road”, and more.


Our Holy Father

wants an intimate

 relationship with us.


He wants a relationship

as intimate as our most

 intimate relationships.


God will speak to us in our minds in a small, quiet voice.  Knowing that He is going to speak to us in a

small, quiet voice (generally in small, quiet ways), it is important that we turn off the white noise and the gray noise in the background of our lives.


Still yourself on the inside.  Turn off those negative thoughts, those thoughts of tomorrow, those thoughts of worry, the negative emotions or the over-exuberance, selfish desires; anything which may hinder you from receiving from the Lord.


Still yourself on the outside.  Turn off that radio, that CD player or boom box.  Get off the phone with your friends— stop gossiping. Turn off that television!!!  Get rid of the mean face, the jealous face, or the ugly face.


If you have to make a quiet space to hear the still quiet voice on the “inside”, then understand you have to make a quiet space (a less rushed space) on the “outside”, in your environment (at home, at work, at school, at play, at church) for God to be heard clearly and concisely.  He will speak. He speaks all the time; we just aren’t listening, or we are calling it something else.


Make a space, a mental and spiritual state of mind, to hear from God.  Many people prepare a physical space dedicated to the expectation of God’s Holy Presence.


Do you want an opportunity to be able to hear God’s voice? If you are going to have an intimate conversation with your spouse or your best friend, you don’t do it with the television blaring, do you?  Why should GOD be different?  Remove the distraction of the television.


DOC copy for five friends; PDF copy for five friends



(Only available currently as a booklet. Soon to be a perfect bound book and audio book;

pages 24-25; formatting changes due to Internet)


Marcus Anthony Allen
Called Saint of God
Baltimore, Maryland, USA, North America
Telephone: 443-418-9852


James Anthony Allen, a Disciple of Jesus

Evangelist, eBlessings Founder

Born-Again, Holy Spirit-filled, US Patriot

Stone Mountain, Georgia, USA, North America





Each One! Bless One!


Today's eBlessing for You!

The Blood of Jesus be upon you and your ministries and all of those involved and wrap you in His Blood to keep you from evil and to keep evil from you and your families, your ministries and from the Purposes and Goals of Father God and His Beloved Jesus Christ now and always now in the name of Jesus Christ: Emmanuel, Hosanna. Selah and Amen.


 You Make a Difference!




Visit the GM, IDD, DOT, and WOW  Empowerment Series, plus Prophecy,

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May the Blessing of the LORD and Favor Continue in Your Life in Your Service to GOD.

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            Let me introduce you to Dr. A.C. Brown’s P.A.U.S.E.: Practical Application and Use of Scriptures Everyday, Wealth Building System and how to use this book and the system.


            Each book in the Wealth Building series is designed using stories, anecdotes, and biographical information summarizing Dr. AC Brown’s life wherein he earned nearly one million dollars three times.  Found within the pages of each chapter are the scriptures which he applied throughout his life and the situations to which he applied them. They are underlined within each chapter along with key wealth building tips.


            There is a summary of key wealth building scriptures found at the end of each chapter. These “Wealth Building Scriptures” are located in front of the “Wealth Building Tips” also found at the end of each chapter. The “Wealth Building Scriptures” chapter summary, is entitled “My Daily Commitment.” You read these scriptures aloud four times a day; good times are at meal time and at bedtime.


            Most of the underlined key wealth building issues are summarized at the end of each chapter in “Wealth Building Tips.”  The “Wealth Building Tips” chapter summary, is entitled “My Daily Affirmations.” These you do four times a day; at meal time and bedtime is okay.


            Each chapter represents a week, i.e., chapter one equals week one. You will notice that the chapter summaries are noted as” “Week One, Week Two, Week Three,” so forth. There are sixteen chapters in this book. This correlates to sixteen weeks. This is a sixteen-week program where success is guaranteed.


            This book can be used in your personal home study,  your weekly Bible study, or in any weekly or scheduled class which seeks to economically empower its participants. This is an individual or group-- daily, weekly, or sixteen-week program depending on how you want to use it. Use it to compliment your current delivery module.


             In summary, Dr. A.C. Brown’s P.A.U.S.E. Wealth Building System: Practical Application and Use of Scriptures Everyday is designed based on the life of Dr. AC Brown. He is a three-time millionaire who is imparting into you his secrets of success. This wealth building program has seven cornerstone “wealth building” scriptures and a plethora of “wealth building” tips and information which when applied is guaranteed to bring success. These are underlined throughout each chapter.


            As you start your day, read each scripture, “My Daily Commitment” (Wealth Building Scripture) aloud four times during the course of a 24-hour period. There is at least one scripture and one tip for each day of the week.


            Each chapter will have at least seven scriptures and tips, with bonus scriptures and tips found at the end of some chapters. Say aloud each “My Daily Affirmation” (Wealth Building Tips) tip four times a day during a 24-hour period.


            Do this with each chapter’s “Wealth Building Scriptures” and “Wealth Building Tips” for a period of sixteen weeks. You are guaranteed to become a more positive individual, have more friends, enjoy better success in business and in love. Try it!


“But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”

Philippians 4:19



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 Pre-Order Your Personal Copy of Dr. AC Brown's Book Today

Dr. AC Brown

Three-Time Millionaire  --  “Doing It God’s Way”

Let Him Show You How

P.A.U.S.E.: Practical Application and Use of Scriptures Everyday  -- “Doing It God’s Way”

Atlanta, Georgia 30386


(404) 498-7927 (after nine); (404) 731-1305 (anytime)



Each One! Bless One!


Today's eBlessing for You!

The Blood of Jesus be upon you and your ministries and all of those involved and wrap you in His Blood to keep you from evil and to keep evil from you and your families, your ministries and from the Purposes and Goals of Father God and His Beloved Jesus Christ now and always now in the name of Jesus Christ: Emmanuel, Hosanna. Selah and Amen.


 You Make a Difference!




Visit the GM, IDD, DOT, and WOW  Empowerment Series, plus Prophecy,

Spiritual Keys & Lessons, IA, PP and Ministries...


May the Blessing of the LORD and Favor Continue in Your Life in Your Service to GOD.

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Each One! Bless One!


Today's eBlessing for You!

The Blood of Jesus be upon you and your ministries and all of those involved and wrap you in His Blood to keep you from evil and to keep evil from you and your families, your ministries and from the Purposes and Goals of Father God and His Beloved Jesus Christ now and always now in the name of Jesus Christ: Emmanuel, Hosanna. Selah and Amen.


 You Make a Difference!




Visit the GM, IDD, DOT, and WOW  Empowerment Series, plus Prophecy,

Spiritual Keys & Lessons, IA, PP and Ministries...


May the Blessing of the LORD and Favor Continue in Your Life in Your Service to GOD.

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Each One! Bless One!


Today's eBlessing for You!

The Blood of Jesus be upon you and your ministries and all of those involved and wrap you in His Blood to keep you from evil and to keep evil from you and your families, your ministries and from the Purposes and Goals of Father God and His Beloved Jesus Christ now and always now in the name of Jesus Christ: Emmanuel, Hosanna. Selah and Amen.


 You Make a Difference!




Visit the GM, IDD, DOT, and WOW  Empowerment Series, plus Prophecy,

Spiritual Keys & Lessons, IA, PP and Ministries...


May the Blessing of the LORD and Favor Continue in Your Life in Your Service to GOD.

Copyright © 2009  *  eBlessings  *  All rights reserved


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Each One! Bless One!


Today's eBlessing for You!

The Blood of Jesus be upon you and your ministries and all of those involved and wrap you in His Blood to keep you from evil and to keep evil from you and your families, your ministries and from the Purposes and Goals of Father God and His Beloved Jesus Christ now and always now in the name of Jesus Christ: Emmanuel, Hosanna. Selah and Amen.


 You Make a Difference!




Visit the GM, IDD, DOT, and WOW  Empowerment Series, plus Prophecy,

Spiritual Keys & Lessons, IA, PP and Ministries...


May the Blessing of the LORD and Favor Continue in Your Life in Your Service to GOD.

Copyright © 2009  *  eBlessings  *  All rights reserved


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DOC copy for five friends; PDF copy for five friends (Printing style: booklet)



by James Anthony Allen and son, Marcus Anthony Allen

(Only available currently as a booklet. Soon to be a perfect bound book and audio book;

pages 25-27; formatting changes due to Internet)









Three Different “Voices.” We have the potential to hear three different “voices” in our minds: the voice of God (the Godhead, five-fold ministry, the workers in the Kingdom of God, etc.), the voice of satan (the enemies of God, evil, the workers in the kingdom of satan, etc.), and the voice of self (ourselves, our parents, grandparents, teachers, friends, the boss, etc.).



“Voice” of self.  (Each voice sounds like your own.) The voice of self will have our selfish motivations at heart.  It will have the fulfillment of our own self-interests in mind.  The lust (desires) of the flesh will be the main place of operation of these thoughts.  These thoughts should be easy to recognize because we know our own voice, which we hear in our minds daily. Read that last sentence again—it is key.


If you don’t recognize your voice, start paying attention and you will hear yourself telling yourself things to do or not to do all day long.  But know that this voice has your self-interest, both good and bad interests in mind.  Your desires, your plans, your goals are in its plans.


These voices generally come, as small, quiet voices so don’t get them confused.  With practice, they can be easily recognized.



“Voice” of the enemies of God.  (Each voice sounds like your own.) Another voice that you will hear is the voice of the enemies of our Father, satan.  This voice will have your destruction in mind. The goal of this voice is to take you as far away from our Father as is earthly, spiritually, physically and mentally possible.  The enemies of our Father will try to destroy you, your family, your home, your finances, your business, any and every aspect of your life. They will accuse, lie, gossip, steal, and use petty nature as a footstool into larger and more powerful forces of destruction. 


Usually, the enemies of our Father work subtly, quietly with deadly precision to achieve our separation from God and our destruction by any means necessary.


“Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;”

1 Timothy 4:1-2 (KJV)


The voice from the enemies of God will have the destruction of you, your family, your friends, and your community as an unchanging goal.  It moves towards its goal by making suggestions to you.  It can be a suggestion, which leads to a negative emotion, such as, shame, pride, hate, sadness, and self-pity.


It can be a suggestion, which leads to making someone feel badly by saying something which is uncalled for; saying something that hits someone in his or her vulnerable places.  Just know that what you hear from this voice will be negative; it will be destructive in nature, to life and God’s Creation.


“Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.”

1 John 4:1 (KJV)


“Voice” of God.  (Each voice sounds like your own.) The other voice you hear will be from the Lord Jesus, the Christ or from the Kingdom of God.  This is the voice you want to listen for and act on.  The voice of God will not be a self-empowering or self-destructive voice.  It will come in the form of authority, completion, correction, direction, perfection, protection, and with the Will of God as Its purpose—Whose focus is orphans, widows, poor, imprisoned, strangers; the weak and suffering. (TO BE CONTINUED)




 DOC copy for five friends; PDF copy for five friends (Printing style: booklet)



by James Anthony Allen and son, Marcus Anthony Allen

(Only available currently as a booklet. Soon to be a perfect bound book and audio book;

pages 25-27; formatting changes due to Internet)


Marcus Anthony Allen
Called Saint of God
Baltimore, Maryland, USA, North America
Telephone: 443-418-9852


James Anthony Allen, a Disciple of Jesus

Evangelist, eBlessings Founder

Born-Again, Holy Spirit-filled, US Patriot

Stone Mountain, Georgia, USA, North America









Each One! Bless One!


Today's eBlessing for You!

The Blood of Jesus be upon you and your ministries and all of those involved and wrap you in His Blood to keep you from evil and to keep evil from you and your families, your ministries and from the Purposes and Goals of Father God and His Beloved Jesus Christ now and always now in the name of Jesus Christ: Emmanuel, Hosanna. Selah and Amen.


 You Make a Difference!




Visit the GM, IDD, DOT, and WOW  Empowerment Series, plus Prophecy,

Spiritual Keys & Lessons, IA, PP and Ministries...


May the Blessing of the LORD and Favor Continue in Your Life in Your Service to GOD.

Copyright © 2009  *  eBlessings  *  All rights reserved


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Each One! Bless One!


Today's eBlessing for You!

The Blood of Jesus be upon you and your ministries and all of those involved and wrap you in His Blood to keep you from evil and to keep evil from you and your families, your ministries and from the Purposes and Goals of Father God and His Beloved Jesus Christ now and always now in the name of Jesus Christ: Emmanuel, Hosanna. Selah and Amen.


 You Make a Difference!




Visit the GM, IDD, DOT, and WOW  Empowerment Series, plus Prophecy,

Spiritual Keys & Lessons, IA, PP and Ministries...


May the Blessing of the LORD and Favor Continue in Your Life in Your Service to GOD.

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DOC copy for five friends; PDF copy for five friends (Printing style: booklet)



by James Anthony Allen and son, Marcus Anthony Allen

(Only available currently as a booklet. Soon to be a perfect bound book and audio book;

pages 27-28; formatting changes due to Internet)









To get an idea of what it has the potential to sound like for you, try this.  The Holy Spirit shared this with me for you.  

  1. Pick up a Bible and read a selected verse in your speaking voice. What did you hear? Not what you understood from the Passage, but what you actually heard.

  2. Now read the Bible verse silently.  Listen. What did you hear? Not what you think the Scripture means? Nor what you got out of It? 

  3. Now read the same verse silently and listen while you read to what you hear.  While you are reading listen to what you hear. 

  4. You hear your voice in your head. You hear your voice in your head reading what your eyes are seeing. You hear your voice in your head reading what your eyes are seeing and your mind is interpreting it into thought.  We are so busy interpreting and understanding what we read, that we do not pay attention to what we are actually hearing.

  5. Read it again and listen.


That voice is the avenue that all three voices will use to speak to you!  That small voice that you are now hearing as you read these words right here is the voice you should listen for when you are listening for the LORD, our Father! It will be a still, small voice like the one you are hearing right now! The Holy Spirit told me to tell you that.


When you hear the “voice” of God speaking to you and you don’t know if it is from God, remember that God is right beside you—in the form of Jesus. 


Ask Jesus daily, moment by moment, at any time of the day or night for answers to any of your questions, then listen for the still small voice which will most assuredly, speak to you. Christ Jesus is speaking to you right now—you must listen for His Voice.


If you do not understand something, ask Jesus or the Holy Spirit.


“I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go; I will guide thee with mine eye.”

Psalm 32:8 (KJV)


Let’s look at an example of how the three voices work.  Let’s say your mother asks you to take out the trash.  You hear three voices.  One tells you that you don’t want to do it: self. One tells you to tell your mother where to go: satan.  And one voice tells you to not only take out the trash, but to wash out the trash can and put a new liner in it: Our Father.


The voice of God will come to you in a very simple straightforward way.  It will be quiet and will give you simple directions to follow. Your Father will speak to you to tell you something to do that is really simple, e.g., turn right here, don’t go there, walk straight, look at that, turn off the television, change that radio station, do this, or do that.  It is important to follow the commands of the Lord! It is imperative to follow the daily commands of the Lord!


  Our Father has lined things up for us to receive and when we obey, we receive.  Simplicity.


“But this thing commanded I them, saying, Obey my voice, and I will be your God, and ye shall be my people: and walk ye in all the ways that I have commanded you, that it may be well unto you.”

Jeremiah 7:23 (KJV)


DOC copy for five friends; PDF copy for five friends (Printing style: booklet)



by James Anthony Allen and son, Marcus Anthony Allen

(Only available currently as a booklet. Soon to be a perfect bound book and audio book;

pages 25-27; formatting changes due to Internet)

Marcus Anthony Allen
Called Saint of God
Baltimore, Maryland, USA, North America
Telephone: 443-418-9852


James Anthony Allen, a Disciple of Jesus

Evangelist, eBlessings Founder

Born-Again, Holy Spirit-filled, US Patriot

Stone Mountain, Georgia, USA, North America




Each One! Bless One!


Today's eBlessing for You!

The Blood of Jesus be upon you and your ministries and all of those involved and wrap you in His Blood to keep you from evil and to keep evil from you and your families, your ministries and from the Purposes and Goals of Father God and His Beloved Jesus Christ now and always now in the name of Jesus Christ: Emmanuel, Hosanna. Selah and Amen.


 You Make a Difference!




Visit the GM, IDD, DOT, and WOW  Empowerment Series, plus Prophecy,

Spiritual Keys & Lessons, IA, PP and Ministries...


May the Blessing of the LORD and Favor Continue in Your Life in Your Service to GOD.

Copyright © 2009  *  eBlessings  *  All rights reserved


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PDF Copy for Friends and Family (printing style: booklet) 

DOC Copy for Friends and Family (print two pages per sheet)


The Beauty of Mathematics and the Love of God! This is too cool!  Just the math part is good enough, the end is even better.   I bet you will not be able to read it without sending it on to at least one other person!


Beauty of Mathematics!


1 x 8 + 1 = 9

12 x 8 + 2 = 98

123 x 8 + 3 = 987

1234 x 8 + 4 = 9876

12345 x 8 + 5 = 98765

123456 x 8 + 6 = 987654

1234567 x 8 + 7 = 9876543

12345678 x 8 + 8 = 98765432

123456789 x 8 + 9 = 987654321



1 x 9 + 2 = 11

12 x 9 + 3 = 111

123 x 9 + 4 = 1111

1234 x 9 + 5 = 11111

12345 x 9 + 6 = 111111

123456 x 9 + 7 = 1111111

1234567 x 9 + 8 = 11111111

12345678 x 9 + 9 = 111111111

123456789 x 9 +10= 1111111111




9 x 9 + 7 = 88

98 x 9 + 6 = 888

987 x 9 + 5 = 8888

9876 x 9 + 4 = 88888

98765 x 9 + 3 = 888888

987654 x 9 + 2 = 8888888

9876543 x 9 + 1 = 88888888

98765432 x 9 + 0 = 888888888


Brilliant, isn't it?


And look at this symmetry:


1 x 1 = 1

11 x 11 = 121

111 x 111 = 12321

1111 x 1111 = 1234321

11111 x 11111 = 123454321

111111 x 111111 = 12345654321

1111111 x 1111111 = 1234567654321

11111111 x 11111111 = 123456787654321

111111111 x 111111111 =12345678987654321


Mind Boggling... Now, take a look at this... 101%


From a strictly mathematical viewpoint: What Equals 100%?  What does it mean to give MORE than 100%? Ever wonder about those people who say they are giving more than 100%?  We have all been in situations where someone wants you to GIVE OVER 100%...  How about ACHIEVING 101%? What equals 100% in life? Here's a little mathematical formula that might help answer these questions:




is represented as:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26.



H-A-R-D-W-O- R- K

8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11 = 98%



K-N-O-W-L-E- D-G-E

11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+ 5 = 96%



A-T-T-I-T-U- D-E

1+20+20+9+20+ 21+4+5 = 100%


THEN, look how far the love of God will take you:


L-O-V-E-O-F- G-O-D


12+15+22+5+15+ 6+7+15+4 = 101%


Therefore, one can conclude with mathematical certainty that:


While Hard Work and Knowledge will get you close to 100%; and Attitude will get you there, it's the Love of God that will put you over the top!  If you find this interesting share it with your friends & loved ones.


Have a nice day & Father God bless you.


PDF Copy for Friends and Family (printing style: booklet) 

DOC Copy for Friends and Family (print two pages per sheet)



Thanks JL Gamble


Each One! Bless One!


Today's eBlessing for You!

The Blood of Jesus be upon you and your ministries and all of those involved and wrap you in His Blood to keep you from evil and to keep evil from you and your families, your ministries and from the Purposes and Goals of Father God and His Beloved Jesus Christ now and always now in the name of Jesus Christ: Emmanuel, Hosanna. Selah and Amen.


 You Make a Difference!




Visit the GM, IDD, DOT, and WOW  Empowerment Series, plus Prophecy,

Spiritual Keys & Lessons, IA, PP and Ministries...


May the Blessing of the LORD and Favor Continue in Your Life in Your Service to GOD.

Copyright © 2009  *  eBlessings  *  All rights reserved


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Each One! Bless One!


Today's eBlessing for You!

The Blood of Jesus be upon you and your ministries and all of those involved and wrap you in His Blood to keep you from evil and to keep evil from you and your families, your ministries and from the Purposes and Goals of Father God and His Beloved Jesus Christ now and always now in the name of Jesus Christ: Emmanuel, Hosanna. Selah and Amen.


 You Make a Difference!




Visit the GM, IDD, DOT, and WOW  Empowerment Series, plus Prophecy,

Spiritual Keys & Lessons, IA, PP and Ministries...


May the Blessing of the LORD and Favor Continue in Your Life in Your Service to GOD.

Copyright © 2009  *  eBlessings  *  All rights reserved


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Each One! Bless One!


Today's eBlessing for You!

The Blood of Jesus be upon you and your ministries and all of those involved and wrap you in His Blood to keep you from evil and to keep evil from you and your families, your ministries and from the Purposes and Goals of Father God and His Beloved Jesus Christ now and always now in the name of Jesus Christ: Emmanuel, Hosanna. Selah and Amen.


 You Make a Difference!




Visit the GM, IDD, DOT, and WOW  Empowerment Series, plus Prophecy,

Spiritual Keys & Lessons, IA, PP and Ministries...


May the Blessing of the LORD and Favor Continue in Your Life in Your Service to GOD.

Copyright © 2009  *  eBlessings  *  All rights reserved


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Each One! Bless One!

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there is a lot of suffering going on and some have more urgent needs than others)


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Each One! Bless One!

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Orange Glo



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eBlessings  *  P.O. Box 601  *  Stone Mountain, Georgia 30083 *  (404) 731.1305

Copyright © James Anthony Allen 2010  * Copyright © 2010  eBlessings  *  All rights reserved  *  Revised: 11/28/12

































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