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A Prayer for Spiritual Empowerment
(Take your old telephone books, newspapers, magazines, and a list of people to pray for;
lay hands on them as you pray this
prayer; pray always!)
Christ, thank you for petitioning the Holy Father to forgive us of our sins daily.
Emmanuel, Christ, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Arch Angels, Angels, the Celestial Church, the Celestial
Congregation, the Heavenly Hosts and our relatives who have gone on to be with
the Lord Jesus, thank you for praying with us when we pray.
Heavenly Father, Father God, El Shaddai, (Giver of Grace), we bow in worship and praise
before You. You are a great and mighty and awesome Creator. We love you!
Yahweh, please cover us
and wrap us with the blood of Emmanuel, (Jesus, the Christ) and
loose the Power of His Crucifixion, Resurrection, Descendsion (new word), and
Ascension and the Protection of His blood for our lives, our families, our homes, our ministries, our
businesses, our finances, our spirits, our emotions, the works of our hearts,
our minds, the works of our minds, our bodies, the works of our hands, our
direction, and all of our possessions. We surrender ourselves completely in
every area of our lives to You, Yahweh-Ropheka, (our Healer). We bind all the
works of the enemies of Yahweh, evil in the universe and command evil cannot hinder us
or our families from best serving You, Father God.
We loose and dispatch thousands and
millions of Holy Angels in
our lives and ask them to go before us to confuse and defeat evil which
might try to hinder any or all of our successes in our lives. Holy Angels
illuminate us with Divine Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding in accordance with
God's Will for our lives and the lives we touch. We loose and dispatch
God's healing power and miracle power in our spirits, minds and bodies right now
in the name of Christ Jesus (Emmanuel)!
We command satan and all demon forces of darkness, the enemies of
Yahweh, evil,
in the name of our Lord Christ Jesus (Emmanuel), to have no presence in
our: lives, possessions, homes, businesses, associations, families' lives,
extended families' or our blood lines, past, present or future. We pray that no
products in which our families or we come into contact, have any negative
emotional, physical, mental, psychological, or spiritual effect. Let no products
be cancerous to us and let us get no diseases or viruses. We bring all of the
blood of Jesus, the Christ between the enemies of Yahweh-Tsidkenu, (who is our
Righteousness), us, our families, our extended families, our blood lines, our
churches, spiritual leaders, brothers and sisters in Christ, our homes, our
possessions, processes, systems, associations, businesses, business associates,
activities, finances, our spirits, minds, emotions and bodies. We declare that satan, evil, the enemies of the Cross and the enemies of Father God are subject to us
in the name of the Lord Jesus, the Christ (Emmanuel). We surrender our prayers and our
minds to You blessed Christ Jesus and Holy Spirit.
Eloah, You are a powerful God and a magnificent God and we love you dearly.
We affirm Heavenly Father God, Elohim, (Creator of all), that You have not given us
over to any negative spirit and You bless us with Your Sovereignties of Love,
Grace, Mercy, Power, Healing, Peace, Joy, Provision, Longsuffering and Sound
Mind. We claim victory over the spirits of fear, confusion, hate, envy, low
self-esteem, distraction, and any and all negative spirits in the name of Jesus, the son of the Living
Most High God. We refuse to harbor doubt, worry, guilt, shame, embarrassment
or any negative emotion or thought. We have Authority and Power over all the enemies of God.
loose and claim, complete and absolute victory over evil in the name of Jesus, the Christ,
(Emmanuel) forever. Through Emmanuel, we forever bind the enemies of God wherever evil attempts to operate.
Yahweh-Shalom, (our Peace), we loose Your Peace, Joy, Provision, Wisdom, Love,
Grace, and Mercy in our lives, our families’ lives and in our past, present and
future blood lines, and in our possessions and our families' possessions. We loose success in our relationships, education, businesses,
finances, and our aspirations in our lives and in our blood lines according to
Your Will for our lives.
We loose in the name of Jesus, the Christ (Emmanuel) that no attack from the enemies of
God, evil, shall be formed successfully against our families or us ever.
We give our
bodies to the Lord Emmanuel knowing we are the temples of the Holy Spirit and the
We loose the ability to think and speak positively, to think and speak life,
into our lives and into the lives of others, right now in the name of Jesus, the
Christ. We cover ourselves with the blood of Emmanuel, (the Lord Jesus, the Christ) and we
ask the Holy Spirit to bring all the power of Jesus Christ's, Emmanuel's Crucifixion, Resurrection,
Descending and Ascension into our lives today, into the lives of our families,
our extended families and our blood lines.
Yahweh-Rohi (our Shepherd), we
surrender our lives, our families and our possessions to You. From this moment
we refuse to hate, to condemn, envy, fear, worry, be guilty, bitter, mean, shameful, sad, or to be discouraged, in
the Name of Jesus, the Christ, towards ourselves, our
brothers, our sisters, or our enemies, or the enemies of God, or to discourage others or be negative an any way, but will love them
with the love of Father God, Eloah, the Living Creator. Jesus wash our
enemies in Your Blood and bind Your Will upon their lives according to Your
Emmanuel, open our spiritual eyes, ears, and senses; and activate and empower us
with Your Sovereignties (Attributes/Characteristics) and Your Powers.
Continually, wash us in Your Blood and bind Your Will upon our lives! Show us the areas of our lives that do not please You and give us the
Courage, Strength, Grace, Knowledge, Understanding and Wisdom to remove any sin,
thought, whispered or spoken word, or action that would get in the way of a
close relationship with You and with one another. Cleanse us from anything that
would give the enemies of Father God, Yahweh-Mekaddishkem, (who sanctifies us), a foothold
against us in our lives. Right now, in our lives, in our bloodline and in God's
Creation, we loose in every way the Victory and the Power of the Cross;
Emmanuel's Crucifixion, Resurrection, Descendsion (new word) and Ascension: over all the enemies
of God and life, evil, forever.
Christ Jesus, please dispatch Angels to protect us and to go before us to
prepare our paths for Your Will in all our endeavors for the Glory of God.
Christ Jesus
send Your Supernatural Favor from Heaven upon us right now in
accordance with Your Will for our lives; and we thank You forever for Your Favor.
We pray in the name of the Lord Jesus, the Christ, (Emmanuel)
with thanksgiving and we
welcome all the ministry of the Holy Spirit and the Christ. Emmanuel, Jesus please teach us to grow
spiritually, to help others and to make You, Yahweh-Yireh, (our Provider),
smile. Christ Jesus we are asking you to please loose right now into our lives
the physical manifestation of Your Peace, spiritual Anointings, spiritual Blessings,
spiritual Gifts, Healings, Miracles and Your Divine Will and Purposes in our lives with every breath we
take. Thank you Emmanuel.
Emmanuel, Christ Jesus bind
us in Your Blood and Your Will forever! Holy Spirit, please correct the prayers
we pray incorrectly and pray the prayers which need to be prayed! Father God let
all of Your Creation thank You, praise You, love You, bless You and serve You! Lord Jesus
let all of God’s Creation thank You, bless You, love You, serve You and Praise You! Selah!
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Allen 2011 * Copyright ©
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